金曜ロードショー 2020.10.2地上波放送『E.T.』感想





その当時も、ET怖wって思ったけど、今も怖い。 だが、久々の地上波で見たら、エリオットの妹役にドリューバリモア!可愛い!幼いドリューバリモア、久々に見た!!! 




私が、12歳の時に見たので、やはり、鮮明に凄さが可愛さが残っていた作品。 そして、“チャーリーズエンジェル”シリーズ、“遠距離恋愛”等数々の作品で活躍している。幼い頃から可愛かったけど、大人になっても可愛い。



あと、近年、スティーブンキング先生の『ドクタースリープ』に出演してたそうだ。 お母さん役メアリーを演じたディー・ウォレスのが、有名かも知れない。

映画『ハロウィン』と言うホラー(旧作?オリジナルの)に出てたし、ドラマも多数出ている。 お兄ちゃん役マイケル、ロバート・マクノトーンこそ、Wikipediaに載ってないほど、その後の活動は謎。


やはり、どうしても地球外生命体の、あの容姿が、怖いし、喋り声も怖い。夢に出たらうなされるレベル。 Wikipediaで調べたら、ET自体は、“亀の甲羅がない”目がうつろなデザインにしたらしい。

 そうか…だから怖いのか。 そして、ETは12 人のオペレーターが操作、3人が着ぐるみの中に入ったとか。





飛んだっっっ!!! 最初のエリオットだけ自転車で飛ぶシーンが背景の月と相まって綺麗ですよね。 エリオット・ETの夜語らうシーンも青春でした

やはり、ETと言えば、エリオットとETの友情シーン。 最初に馬小屋にいたETを見つけ、ETはETでドングリ(木の実)を置く。


そんなちょっと孤独な少年が受け入れた友達が、異星人だったってワケ。 ETはETで、1人地球に探索に来たUFOから離れ、人工の光でも見て感情がある位の宇宙人。 木の実をエリオットに置くのは、短い間に興味を示しているんだと感じた。 




 最後の最後は、ETと繋がりが濃くなっていて、ETが死にそうになれば、エリオットも死にそうに。 ただ、エリオットは人間の技術で息を取り戻すが、ETは仮死状態になってしまった。


やはりこの作品は、エリオットとETの友情物語であり、エリオットの成長で、母親の離婚を自然と受け入れて強くなってる構図が最後に見えてくる。 金曜ロードショウで、家族映画にピッタリ!と言われる優秀な作品ですね。


◯ジャンル…SF ◯製作…アメリカ

E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial』impression

Spielberg’s masterpiece! “E.T.”! !! !! Nostalgic. Movies in the 7’s and 80’s, full of dreams and hopes, are full of dreams.

An easy-to-understand story about a boy Elliott meeting an alien ET and becoming a friend. But … this ET is scary. It looks scary ………. It’s a youth story of boys.

Anyway, if you watch it after a long time … Did you watch terrestrial broadcasting on TV because the movie was 90 years regardless of 1982? At that time, I thought I was scared of ET, but I’m still scared. However, when I saw it on the terrestrial broadcasting after a long time, Drew Barrymore played the role of Elliott’s younger sister! cute! I saw a young Drew Barrymore after a long time! !! !! Speaking of Drew Barrymore, is Charlie’s Angel famous? No no no … Did you make a movie from such a young age? !! By the time I grow up, there are works from ET to child actors. The first thing I recognized was “Flame Girl Charlie,” which was also broadcast on terrestrial broadcasting. It’s cute since I played my 9-year-old daughter! It’s amazing! So I was paying attention. I don’t remember the details, but it seems that a young Charlie with special abilities runs away with his parents. According to Wikipedia, 1988 terrestrial broadcasting. I saw it when I was 12 years old, so it was a work that was clearly amazing and cute. And he is active in many works such as “Charlie’s Angels” series and “long-distance relationship”. It’s been cute since I was little, but it’s cute even when I grow up.

By the way, Elliott who starred is also cute enough, but Henry Thomas, what is the masterpiece other than ET in the movie? To be honest, there are some difficult things to say. What’s more, it’s about whether or not it appears in the movie once a year. There is no movie that seems to protrude, but it seems that there are some dramas. Also, in recent years, he has appeared in Stephen King’s “Doctor Sleep”. Dee Wallace, who played Mary as her mother, may be famous. It appeared in the horror movie “Halloween” (old or original), and there are many dramas. Michael and Robert McNotone, who played the role of older brother, are so mysterious that their subsequent activities are not listed on Wikipedia.

By the way, ET is a small story and anecdote, and the later story is handed down. If you see such an alien, you will be killed immediately. After all, that appearance of extraterrestrial life is scary, and the voice is scary. The level that will be given if you dream. When I looked it up on Wikipedia, it seems that the ET itself had a design with hollow eyes that had no turtle shell. Is that so … so scary? And the ET was operated by 12 operators, and 3 people entered the costume. I don’t really use CG anymore. A work that was probably made frame by frame. With USJ (Universal Studios Japan), it was an attraction like flying in the sky by bicycle, and it called the name to ET. Looks fun. It’s over in Japan.

I saw the idea on Wikipedia in the first place, but it was because of Steven Spielberg’s own divorce problem.

After all, speaking of ET, the friendship scene between Elliott and ET. First, find the ET that was in the stable, and the ET puts an acorn (nut) on the ET. At first, Elliott was surprised by ET, but he couldn’t even get into the table game of his brother’s companion. However, he is a delicate age who is also thinking about his mother’s feelings. The friend accepted by such a lonely boy was an alien. ET is an ET, an alien who is away from the UFO who came to the earth to explore, and has emotions even when viewed with artificial light. I felt that putting nuts on Elliott was showing interest in a short time. Among them, I gave him some rice, hid it in the closet, and confessed to his brother. By this time, friendship had already sprung up. And I found it in my sister … Among them, it was too close, or maybe it was “connected” when Elliott’s injury was healed. After working together all the time, if ET drinks beer and gets drunk, Elliott will be at school, and if ET sees love romance on TV, Elliott will feel like that, and after connecting with ET and messing up the lesson. But kiss the girl. At the very end, the connection with ET was strong, and if ET was about to die, Elliott was about to die. However, Elliott regained his breath with human technology, but ET was in a state of asphyxia. With a deep connection with ET, hugging, looking up at the stars together on the night before falling with ET, cherishing Elliott, healing injuries, and finally going with him, does not feel friendship. I can’t. After all, this work is a friendship story between Elliott and ET, and at the end, the composition that Elliott’s growth naturally accepts the divorce of his mother and becomes stronger can be seen. The Friday Road Show is perfect for family movies! It is an excellent work that is said to be.

